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Garmin BlueChart G3 Vision LARGE
La cartografia ad alta precisione BlueChart g3 Vision permette di ottimizzare ulteriormente la vostra navigazione grazie a caratteristiche avanzate come immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione, viste prospettiche e visualizzazione in 3D sopra e sotto il livello del mare, tecnologia Auto Guidance, foto aeree di porti, baie e marine, nonché di idrovie e strade costiere con punti di interesse. Auto Guidance 3.0 offre indicazioni per raggiungere la destinazione desiderata e suggerimenti per la navigazione (ad esempio, per l’entrata e l’uscita dai porti); inoltre cerca sempre la rotta più breve.
Premier Coastal Charts
Experience unparalleled coverage and brilliant detail when you’re on the water. BlueChart g3 Vision coastal charts provide industry-leading coverage, clarity and detail with integrated Garmin and Navionics content.
Whether you are fishing or cruising, select a spot, and get a route showing you the general path and nearby obstructions at a safe depth1.
This feature displays high-resolution Depth Range Shading for up to 10 depth ranges so you can view your designated target depth.
To give a clear picture of shallow waters to avoid, this feature allows for shading at a user-defined depth.
BlueChart g3 Vision charts feature 1’ contours that provide a more accurate depiction of bottom structure for improved fishing charts and enhanced detail in swamps, canals and port plans.
High-resolution satellite imagery with navigational charts overlaid gives you a realistic view of your surroundings. It’s our most realistic charting display in a chartplotter — ideal for entering unfamiliar harbors or ports.
This underwater perspective shows 3-D representation of bottom and contours as seen from below the waterline. Interface with sonar data for a customized view.
This view provides a 3-D representation of the surrounding area both above and below the waterline.
Crystal-clear aerial photography shows exceptional detail of many ports, harbors and marinas and is ideal when entering unfamiliar ports.